
Jun 9, 2022

Survive the Apocalypse with a Few Good Friends and a Boat in Highwater, Coming Later this Year

Highwater is the third game in developer Demagog Studio’s expanded universe, which includes two other self-contained experiences–the critically acclaimed Golf Club: Wasteland and The Cub.

“Highwater thrusts players into a stunning vision of a climate change apocalypse and then challenges them to survive the aftermath,” said Rogue CEO Matt Casamassina. “Players will explore half-sunk cities via boat. Scavenge for supplies on foot. Team up with allies. Fight foes. And it all comes together with a surprisingly warm storyline.”

In the months to come Rogue and Demagog Studio will reveal further details about Highwater, including a more in-depth look at the innovative balance of boat-based exploration and intense turn-based battles that incorporate the surrounding world into combat. Details about platforms will also be forthcoming.

For now, please enjoy the short, but breathtaking glimpse of what we believe will be one of the most original and gorgeous releases of the year.

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